Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We were going to be outside last night to watch the eclipse, but it was cloudy, and light rain was falling. There were six of us for dinner, and then we read some Rumi, and watched two very good short movies. However, no chanting, which I was looking forward to. But they have a group here who gets together once a week, and chant and place the drums, etc. Lots of energy around and happiness and laughter. Of course today is the solstice and it has been partly sunny, then overcast, then the sun peaks out again.

We have been doing odds and ends around the house. I did my laundry and took down the lace curtains in my bedroom, and they are now soaking. They were a mess - and Artie suggested I put them in the dryer first to take out the dust. It was unbelievable what came out and into the lint filter. I am staying in their permanent house guest's bedroom at the moment, and these curtains have not been washed since she came here, seven years ago. So they are in a big soak right now and will stay there overnight at least.

The roosters and the hens had a town meeting this morning about 7AM outside my window. I got up and told them to SHUT UP! And they just looked up at me, and continued on their way. They are part of the household, but a couple of them are marked for cooking at some point. The roosters are absolutely beautiful and they know it! There are seven of them, but one rules the roost and the hens!!!

Today John and a friend finally got the new ceiling fan up in their bedroom. There was much rejoicing, since it has a remote control, and no one will be able to yank down the cords, which has happened in the past.

I picked up Kat's friend Emillia from the wharf. She had gone over with friends to Maui, where she picked up food for Kat's Global Village team from Costco. We stored it here in the freezer and the living room. Kat comes in tomorrow late afternoon.

Artie was out on the porch this afternoon spinning thread from the cotton John had harvested from plants he had cultivated at several different places around the island. She then makes it into three ply, and knits beautiful baby hats for family and friends. One of the four cats of the house, got into her lap, and helped her spin. I got a good picture of "Broken" and Artie. He is called Broken because he has a bend in his tail.

We may or may not go to yoga this afternoon. I thought it was at 3PM, but it is now 3:46PM, so if the time is true, obviously we will not be going. Gee, I wonder how I figured that out.

Somehow I have been able to get WiFi from Artie's side porch, and this will make it easier for me to write my blog more on a daily basis. I think I am using the next door neighbor's WiFi, whom I met yesterday. Of course, if I am, I will let her know and see if I need to reimburse her.

There is what is called VOG that comes in from the Big Island (Hawaii) as a result of the active volcano and the sulpherous gases it emits. VOG is Volcanic Offshore Gas I think. I am not sure about the "O". It affects some people, Artie being one, creating headaches. Thankfully I have been okay so far.

Once Kat gets here, I am going to have her show me how to insert pictures. As I said yesterday, I had them inserted off line, but when I went to post everything on my blog site, only the text appeared.

It is 81 degrees here right now, and the sun has made an appearance and is in my eyes. I love it!

Life is good.
Adieu, Adios, Mahalo,
I love you all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound very happy and busy, Sally. That is neat.....
I have a long letter to write you, very soon.