Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Wow, I cannot believe that it is the 8th of February and I haven't written anything for 8 days. However, getting an internet connection can be dicey, and the car situation. However, Emillia has loaned me her car for a while, which is great. So I am at Coffees of Hawaii, plugged in to their WiFi, and catching up on my emails, and my banking, and now, lucky you guys, my blog!

Terry just sent me an email of South Dakota snow. I sure hope you in the East aren't having quite so much. As I commented to those pictures, that is when it is time to move! I did like the hot tub shot however.

After a small amount of rain, and overcast skies, today is clear and warm, at 73 degrees. I am feeling good, got my Raku creations packed up and will be taking them over to the post office for mailing, after I finish this. Hopefully they will make it to Marty's house intact. If not, oh well. They made it through two firings, with a couple of minor breaks, so they are tough. The question is how the postal service will handle them!

Three weeks from now I will be back on the mainland at Marty's, only for a few days, then I will be driving up to LA to see Phil and Gihan, and from there, make my way back to Virginia. I THINK I will take the southern route!!!! Way southern!

I have been photographing various places on the island, where I can drive to, as well as plants and flowers, and interesting signs. I am still not totally finished as I have not had a car of course. I hope to go back to the West end, and then to the East end. Life here is very laid back, as I have said before, and everyone refers to Molokai time. And it is true. The coconut telegraph, is the grape vine back home. Opala is rubbish, garbage, etc. Pou (POW) is full, over, final. There are many more, which I will add as I think of them.

Today I saw two mongooses crossing the road as I drove down. They are the size of squirrels, but with flat tails, not curly. They are a problem here, as they are eating the eggs of the birds, and many species are disappearing because of it. They are all over Hawaii, and were introduced, as so many plants and animals are, to take care of some animal. Unfortunately they didn't, and increased their population instead. There are a lot of myna birds here also, nuisances, like the grackles and black birds on the mainland. They too were imported, and are on all the islands. I finally saw my first red headed cardinal. There are plenty of all red cardinals like we have all over the mainland. These came from Australia/New Zealand I believe.

We have another boarder at the house. A friend of Jordan's from California. His name is Austin. It will be interesting to see how long he lasts on raw food. Jordan was a vegetarian, but I don't think that Austin is, and he hardly could eat his dinner last night, and refused breakfast this morning. Fortunately Artie has a laisezz faire attitude about it. One wouldn't think she would, but she does. I think the boys are planning to set up the tent out on the deck near the office, which would be nice for all of us!!!

I have much more to say, but it can wait.

Adieu, adios, A Hui Hou (Until we meet again)

I love you all,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice mom, keep it up!
Mongooses are a problem on every island, it seems. They were brought to those tropical islands to eat snakes...but had no predators. So they multiplied and multiplied...until the brilliant euro's decided they needed to bring in cats to take care of the mongoose problem. Now they are stuck with both...why? Because cats are nocturnal and hunt at night. Mongoose are day animals. Brilliant!