Monday, May 16, 2011

It is windy, overcast, and chilly here in Upton, Massachusetts, where I am visiting my daughter and her family. Dreary is what Siobhan would call it.

I got here on Thursday evening, around 6PM, and was happy to see Siobhan, Scott, and my girls, Sammy and Maggie, and their cousin, Moe. All look good.

Friday, Siobhan took the day off, and we went to The Tower Hill Botanical Gardens in Boyleston. It was a beautiful day, and the only one we have had so far. We walked and talked, had lunch, hit the gift shop, and drove back to Upton.

Saturday Siobhan and I went up to Beverly to see Brie. She is looking good, and it is obvious that she loves Montserrat Art College. She makes some very unique art work, and has gotten good comments from her teachers. Yesterday and today, she is having her evaluations on her second semester of work. I saw her apartment, which she shares with three or four other students, we took her to Stop and Shop to load up on groceries, and some needed things, like toilet paper!!!! While she was doing her laundry, we went to lunch and had a good visit. I am hoping that she will come down here tomorrow or Thursday so she and I can hang out.

I was going to see Berthe yesterday, but she called and said that she wasn't feeling good, and she didn't sound good to me, so I told her I would come over this week. Actually, today I am meeting my good friends, Edna and Mike, for lunch, and then I am going to swing over and see her, if she wants me to come.

Tomorrow I have lunch with my women's group. We are celebrating out 20th year of being together. Frankly, it feels like yesterday that we first started meeting.

I do a lot of thinking while I am driving, and while I lay in bed in the morning. I am sure a lot of people do, but some thoughts have been rolling around and around in my cranium, and I am going to share them with you.

I simply hate the words "step mother." And I finally figured out why when I hear them I always cringe and think of bad women. Guess what I concluded - I think of poor Cinderella and her horrible and mean step mother and sisters always yelling at her and making fun of her. I really wish people would just say, "my father's wife" or just her given name. Stop making me shiver!

I also dislike the word NANA. My mother-in-law was called that by her grandchildren, as was her mother by Bob and his sister Ellen. Many women I know are called NANA, instead of Grandma or Grammy. My mother was Gramma Sue to all of her grandchildren, and I am Grammy Sally. I told my kids never to have their children call me NANA. NANA was the sheep dog in 'Peter Pan.'

Now you know the whole story!!!

I intend for my next blog to be about my thoughts on Oprah Winfrey. I have been getting them together in my head for nearly a year, yes a year, and they are ready to be put onto paper!

Adieu, Adios, A Hui Hou,
I love you all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sally, I just caught up on your blogs and I love them!!
Your comments on Donald Trump and Nana and stepmother had me laughing!!
I love it! I can hardly wait to hear about Oprah!!!