Thursday, August 25, 2011

Frank and Heather left around noon yesterday, and Kat and I are alone by ourselves. And I must say, as much as I love my family, it is nice to have some quiet, and not always trying to coordinate with everyone as to where to go, what to eat, who's going, how to get there, and why.

Saturday night we had our big lobster feed ...Before popping one of the lobsters into the boiling water, Phil kissed one goodbye...

We ate outside at the picnic table - the only place by the way to eat lobster.
You can get as messy as you want, and then hose off the table, benches, and yourself, if you are so inclined. With the lobster, we had fresh corn on the cob, and salad. It was delicious. After that, Phil and Kat picked up their guitars, and played some Beatles music, which was fun to listen to...

Sunday, Siobhan left, and Brie and her boyfriend Kevin also left. Kevin had come down on Friday night after work. Kevin and Brie...

...and Phil and Brie...

...and Brie and Siobhan...

Sunday night, Phil, Kat, Frank and Heather, and I went into Provincetown. First we went into the Salt Water Taffy shop where they make their own taffy, and got some to take to friends. Then, while the others went to other shops, I sat and watched the people going by. Next to where I was sitting was a guy making balloon hats for kids and adults...

He had a running commentary going on with the bench sitters in front of him, as well as with the folks getting the balloon hats. He was a riot. The kids loved him, and he made something for almost every kid passing by, without charging them anything.

Phil came up and sat with me for a while, and then the two guys that I had seen after the Drag Brunch, came walking down Commercial Street, so Phil went over and had his picture taken with them. They were dressed differently, but still like eight year old girls. In fact, the smaller one told Phil the same thing he had said when I took their picture..."I'm an eight year old."...

We then went to a wonderful upstairs restaurant called Tiny's, overlooking Commercial Street, and without exception, the food was outstanding, with all the veggies and fish being fresh. Here are some of our dishes...mine and Heather's was fresh tuna...

Kat had grilled scallops...

...and Phil had lobster risotto...

Frank Jr. had clam chowder, but tasted everyone's food, and finished Heather's tuna. Then we had wonderful desserts and shared them. I had a vegan coconut cake that was to die for. Frank and Heather ordered a Baklava cake that was delicious. Phil and Kat order a cayenne pepper brownie which was incredible. I didn't think I would like that one, but I did. We complimented the chefs, and gave them a round of applause. We were the last to leave.

As we were walking back to the car, there was one of those boards, where you can stick your face in holes and have your picture taken...

Enough said!

The weather has been superb. We have been really lucky, with warm days and cool nights. Ocean breezes keep the heat down. Phil and I went up to Chatham on Monday. The gray seals have taken over the small islands and reefs around Chatham Harbor and the Lighthouse...

Because of the seals, the great white sharks have been coming in, as seals are like ice cream for yours truly. This has caused a great deal of excitement in the area, and although the beaches in that area are closed, the tourists are flocking in to see the seals and try and glimpse a great white! The townspeople and businessmen are making hay while the sun shines! One of the candy stores is making chocolate shark lollipops. Blue shark gummy candy is the rage. Anything having a shark, especially Great White Sharks, is being snapped up by the tourists! Phil bought three lollipops and two bags of the gummy sharks for Gihan and the nephews. At one gift shop we were in, Phil bought for Gihan a Great White wooden shark, made, painted, signed, and numbered, no less, by a friend of the owner.

We walked out onto the beach in Chatham, and I poked along as Phil went out to the point where he could take pictures of the seals...

... I walked as far as I wanted, and sat and watched the waves, and periodically a seal would pop up and look around and then go under. They were fun to watch, but I wasn't able to get a picture of one as they are so quick. However, I did get a picture of a seagull, who had nabbed a crab, and who dragged it up onto the shore, and then higher up on the dune, all the time letting the other gulls know in no uncertain terms, that this was his dinner.

A little tern came very close to me as she looked for things to eat in the sand. They are so cute on their fast little legs, poking their long beaks into the sand, then hurrying off to another spot.

Several fishing boats came in while we were there. Hundreds of seagulls were crying and flying around looking for tidbits that might be thrown overboard...

One fishing boat came in through the fog and looked like a ghost boat...

The harbor patrol were out going up and down the beaches watching out for any swimmers and for sharks. There are always a few nut cases who defy the rules and swim out. There were life guards stationed along the shore line, as well as a lifeguard on a ski-boat going from one lifeguard station to the next...

Footprints in the sand...

On Monday afternoon, Frank Sr. drove down from Boston, and we all went out to dinner. Unfortunately, Siobhan and Brie had left on Sunday, so they weren't with us, but it was great to see Frank, and I know that Phil and Kat were happy to see him also...

Since Frank now is the Forney Regional Manager for all of New England and New York, he will be seeing Siobhan and Scott often.

Verizon didn't settle with the strikers, but the strike was called off, and Siobhan went back to work yesterday. The negotiators will be working to find a solution to all the issues on the table. Siobhan is happy to be back at work, however.

Tuesday we went in to Wellfleet and had lunch at a favorite little place called THE JUICE...


The JUICE'S outside eating area...

Like most of the driveways and parking places on the Cape, The Juice's outside dining area is broken clam shells...

Then we drove out to a walking area, and the four kids took a walk with Pepper as I sat and enjoyed the view. When they came back it was time to take Phil to P'town and the ferry. We drove all the way out on the wharf to where the ferry comes in, and sat and talked. When it arrived, we said our goodbyes, and off Phil went. But he left on an unhappy note, as Gihan had called him while they were walking, and told him that her entire office was laid off. It was something they thought was going to happen, but nevertheless, it hurts when it does, especially with Gihan still under treatment. However, I talked with him yesterday and everything is going to work out just fine.

We stopped on the way back from P'town so Frank Jr. could get his RED BULL fix, then stopped again at a coffee place. Kat needed her caffeine fix. She came running out of the place, and said, "You all have to come in here. The ice cream flavors are fantastic!" Never one to say no to ice cream, we all went in and got wonderful hard ice cream. Great flavors and mixtures, all homemade on the Cape. Yummy for the tummy - in more ways than one!

Back at the house, I beat Heather and Kat in a game of Scrabble, and then I had to go to bed. I have been catching up on MI-5 episodes, which my friends Louise and Joe have gotten me hooked on, and I was starting on the second season of shows. Watched two episodes, and tried to read a little, but I dozed off. Had the best sleep I have had since I have been here!


More later from the Cape...

I love you all.
A hui hou,

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