Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Virginia is blossoming out in all her beauty. Bradford pear trees are in full bloom, as are the forsythia bushes. Daffodils dance merrily in the breeze, and along the roadside I could see the red buds just ready to open up in their beautiful magenta clothes. Everyone's lawns were greening up and preparing to be mown by humans!

At Raul's and Mariana's (this is what Raul calls Marian) bird feeders, gold finches and house finches vied for the thistle and other seeds put out for them. At one feeder yesterday morning, five gold finches were stair-stepped up the feeder, taking in as much thistle seed as possible. Juncos and chickadees were also coming in, and a pair of cardinals were eating at another feeder watching out for each other.

Here are some pictures of Raul's and Marian's flowering plants, shrubs and trees, which I took yesterday before leaving...

A cheery cherry tree in full bloom...

I love these bushes and wish I knew the name of them...

Daffodils and periwinkle near poolside...

I love forsythia. It always is sunny even on a cloudy day. And next to it is a budding weeping willow...

It was interesting to stay at the Oviedo's, since most of you know that I lived across from them. Now I look at my old home and am dismayed by what the new owners have done - both big beautiful blue spruces are gone, along with almost every bush around the house, including all the boxwoods. The big maple in back has been trimmed, which I must admit it needed. And Bob's little blue spruce is still there along with the three cherry trees we planted...here is one of them...

But, alas, the back yard looks like a landing strip for a helicopter or very small plane. Two extremely high narrow open structures on four columns each, with metal roofs are next to each other, with concrete floors, where a trailer is stored in one and a pick-up is stored in the other. Then there is a huge concrete area, next to which is the open "helicopter" hanger, as high as the other two, and four columns supporting the metal roof. These three structures are as high as the peak of the roof on the house or higher!!! Also a road has been cut into the yard from Oviedo Drive. Glad I don't have to look at them every day!

I left Elkton yesterday around 10AM and am now in Upton, Massachusetts. I had some trouble with my car battery while in Elkton, and after going to Advance Auto with Bucky, found that there was nothing wrong with my battery. I followed Bucky over to his house and he cleaned the points and stuff on the battery, and it now works like a charm. However, in cutting off the electrical stuff while cleaning, I needed to reset the clock...Therein lies a story...

When I turned on the radio, it said "ENTER CODE". What the hell is the code, says I to myself. Couldn't find anything anywhere in my Honda books, so I just took off. When I got to the Pennsylvania Welcome Center, I stopped, used the facilities, and called Harrisonburg Honda Service. Doug gave me five numbers, and I put them in - eight times with him on the phone, and eight times the word "ERROR" came up. He told me to bring Matilda in. I don't think so, I say, I am in Pennsylvania headed for Massachusetts. So I drove the rest of the way in silence. I love listening to books on CD, so I wasn't too happy. I have already called a Honda dealership near here and they told me to bring Matilda in and they would take care of it. Praise be!

In Pennsylvania, as I turned off in Wilkes-Barre for gas, the heavens opened up and we had rain, torrents of rain and cloud-to-ground lightening, and it was not far away, either! So I went to a Perkins Restaurant and got a cup of soup, half a sandwich, and hot tea. That was a refreshing break. But it was still pouring when I left. Travel was slow naturally until I got through Scranton and onto I 84. Then the rain slowed down and finally ended and the rest of my trip was good. Got in here about 8PM. Scott and Siobhan were waiting for me and I was glad to see them. All three cats greeted me also. Sammy and Maggie look good. I would really like to bring them back with me, but I don't think they would survive the trip, with so many stops. Siobhan takes good care of them.

I have made plans to see my group tonight, plans for tomorrow, dinner with Mike and Edna on Thursday, and lunch with Berthe on Friday. Then I will leave here, and stop in to see Cousin Nancy for an hour or so, and continue on to Iowa. I will most likely reach Iowa on Monday, staying with Dick for a couple of days, and then with Louise and Joe in Des Moines for a couple of days, before heading back to NM.

Thought you might like to see my new artwork...stars over New Mexico...

Life is good!

I love you all,

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