Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Out with the old, in with the new...

It is 2013!  And we have survived the Mayan calendar ending, not the world like some people would believe.  The Mayan calendar merely reset itself for another 5000 plus years.  Did you know that the Mayan actually used three different calendars?  Read 1491, 2nd Edition.  That is what I am reading at present, nearly half way through.

We also survived the FISCAL CLIFF.  Gosh I have been on a fiscal cliff for most of my life, but never heard it called that way.  And thanks to the ranks of the young Republican Tea Party members of the House of Representatives, this country will probably be teetering on it until their respective constituents vote them out of office, which hopefully will be in two years.  I cannot believe that any of their constituents intentionally want to be "pushed" over the "cliff."

Along those same lines, civility in Congress is at an all time low.  I can remember when Republicans and Democrats could work together as one group, over very important issues.  Where both sides respected one another.  Now all the young Republican representatives want to do is be obstructionists to anything brought forward by President Obama.  I shudder to think what this country would be like if Romney had won.  Not because of Romney so much, but because of the powerful men and corporations who funded his bid for president.  If you think they did it for free, think again! 

After 20 innocent 6 year olds were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and after three or more other mass shootings around the country, the NRA speaks out that more guards "with guns" need to be placed in all schools.  Are they really serious????  We need serious gun control, folks.  Not of the hunting variety, i.e. shotguns and 22's, but of the kind that can fire off 100 rounds without stopping.  The kind that the military uses, along with the drug cartels and terrorist groups. 

Global warming proved itself once again, with typhoons, Hurricane Sandy, drought, floods, and glaciers dissolving into the sea.  But wait - there are those who say it isn't global warming.  If it isn't, then what the "hay" is it?  A vengeful god issuing a warning?  I don't think so!

Amid the continuous nasty political ads (thankfully I don't own a TV) and a monumental amount of money spent on the presidental election, Barack Obama won to the surprise of Romney, Ryan and the Koch Brothers and all their thinly disguised PACS. That spoke volumes to me. Now it is time for Obama to get tough and kick some butt.  I sure hope he will do just that!

On a very special personal note, my good friend Anne Sullivan, passed away after battling cancer for nearly a year. When I got back from Washington state at Thanksgiving, there was a fat envelope awaiting me.  It was a copy of Anne's will, and in it, she gave me the house in Lemitar - the little adobe house I call Casa de Serenidad!  What an incredible gift from a very incredible woman.  I send her thanks every day.

Christmas was spend in Santa Fe, with Siobhan and Scott, Kat, Phil (Gihan couldn't make it) and my grandson, Frank.  We rented a house, and just enjoyed ourselves.  By the way, I am gifted with two great chefs - Phil and Scott.  And sou chefs - Siobhan and Kat.  We had GOOD food!

Now on with 2013 and whatever the year brings to me and to all of you.  Peace, hope, serenity.

Life is good.
I love you all,

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