Thursday, June 20, 2013

Yes, friends, I am once again "on the road" meaning this time, that I am actually going to right a blog!  Now I don't want you to fall off your chair, or drop your glass of water or wine, but believe me, I have been trying to get my mind wrapped around this issue for a very long time.

Much has happened since I last took up my "proverbial" pen and wrote anything.  In fact so much, that I have decided to try and write 500 words a day, and post daily, so that this doesn't end up looking like an endless post.  

So I am going to start with the here and now.  This past weekend, son Philip came to visit and stayed for about three days.  He went to the Lunch Bunch with me, and was pleased to meet some of my friends, of whom he approved.  Now, mind you, I don't need his approval, but he was the one child who was very worried about my living out in the boondocks of New Mexico!  We went to the Bosque which is now full of songbirds, raptors, and turkey vultures.  Turkey vultures???  They were having a fiesta in the fields which are normally flooded come crane time, and feeding on the dead carp that had been captured when the ponds dried up.  Vultures serve a very useful purpose, and are also very social, something I did not know.  Phil's wonderful camera was taking photos at a very rapid pace.

Saturday we went to my storage, then out to the Very Large Array (VLA)

between Magdalena and Datil, on the San Augustin Plain.

We watched the short video, and then Phil took the walk around the place, camera in hand.  The antenna are huge and can almost fit a baseball diamond inside each one. They collect radio waves from outer space.  They are placed in three lines, running on railroad tracks, and evenly spaced.  All the antennae can be turned in a different direction by computer.  

I drove Phil up to the airport on Sunday afternoon, after a wonderful visit with him.  We had great talks, and he helped to get things put away and organized.  He confided in me he owed Gihan for this, as he was never really an organized person.  I call my organization "organized chaos", for that is what it really is.  Papers especially.  Phil cleared them off from everywhere and put them in one of the empty tubs, and suggested that I go through and sort and throw out.  What a magnificent concept!!

There has been a great deal happening in our family.  Siobhan and Scott have parted ways.  As have my grandson Frank and his wife Heather.  My brother Dick is a grandfather again, with Casey and Bob presenting the world with a 10 pound plus baby boy.  BB Atwell had no name for about a month, but is officially now called Jackson Rawlins Green Atwell...
The Atwell gene pool continues onward....

Casa de Serenidad is getting a new back entrance, which will, I am told, be such that no more water will present itself inside the house.  When this is completed, I will take pictures and put them in my blog.  They are trying to get it done before monsoon time, which I am told is usually the first two weeks of July.  Mmmmm!  I always thought it was in August, so these guys better get their rears in gear!

I am currently getting from Netflix the first season of Ancient Aliens, two discs at a time.  Absolutely fascinating.  I have always believed that there are folks out in space who have visited our Earth many times.  The material presented in this series leaves no doubt in my mind.  Watch the entire series if you can.  Phil tells me that it now going into its fourth or fifth season.  I am on Season 1!

Life is good!  And very hot here, but dry.  We have had about a month or more of temps up in the 100's, occasionally high 90's.

I love you all,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I'm glad to see you post again. I was wondering when you were going to get back to it. I have been busy here taking care of Jacob for the most part and keeping the home fires burning, so to speak. I think of you often. Keep up the posts.
