Monday, September 26, 2011

My last night in Waveland produced a beautiful light show, as Johnny likes to say. These pictures I took from their front and back porches, and also the sunset. You will see a church steeple in one picture - that is St. Clare Catholic Church, which has been destroyed by fire once (I think) and wiped out twice by hurricanes. Katrina being the last one. It was always rebuilt, but this time it was moved further back, and is up off the ground.

Headed for Datil, New Mexico, I chose to take I 10/I 12 to I 49 going up to ....and then head for Denton, Texas, where I spent the first night. The second night I stayed in Tucumcari, New Mexico.

The drive on I 10 to Baton Rouge, was very interesting, as a large part of the interstate was up on pilings, crossing bayous and swamps for a good twenty miles or so. It was a beautiful day, but a long one, and I drove over 600 miles to get to Denton. From Denton, I took I 35 to I 40, to Tucumcari, which was about 500 miles. The weather couldn't have been more perfect.

I love clouds, and there were plenty of white fluffy clouds in the sky. I spotted a baby bear rolling on its back, legs kicking in the air, and then disappear into mist. There was a lion sitting on its haunches, which morphed into a Sphinx. I saw a reclining headless lady with no feet and a tiny waist, which dissolved, leaving her cut in half.

Twice hawks I sighted hawks. In Texas, one flew right over Matilda's front window. In Oklahoma, one came in for a landing on a fence, probably taking a rest after searching through the field for his breakfast.

I crossed the famous Red River twice, but I didn't see John Wayne anywhere.

In Texas I passed by the towns of Krum and Bunkie. In Oklahoma, Claude, Yukon, Canadian County, Texola, probably so named because it is on the border of Texas and Oklahoma! Makes sense to me anyway.

A roadside do not litter sign warned Don’t Mess With Texas!

And can anyone tell me what this can possibly be? Top of Texas Catholic Superstore??!! – Other than it is located in northern Texas, what is a CATHOLIC SUPERSTORE?

Countrysides are very much the same everywhere. Old unused buildings decaying in the sun, brick silos with their tops gone, abandoned houses, rusting equipment. I have seen it everywhere I have been, it doesn’t matter in what part of the United States. Where Texas has ranches with lots of cattle, and many horse farms; Iowa has corn and soybeans; Wisconsin has milk producing cows; Virginia has beef cattle, and chicken and turkey houses; they all have the same feel and look. Soil may be black, red, sandy or clay. Plant life is different yet the same – wild flowers are everywhere, old bare trees stand in fields, John Deere equipment is in abundance. In Iowa where there is a clump of trees, there is usually a farmhouse; in Texas the ranches are so big that I never saw a house. But everyone drives a pickup truck; wears a hat, be it a John Deere, favorite sports teams, or cowboy; has blue jeans on; and has a weather beaten face.

Passing through Shamrock, Texas, I had to chuckle at the Shamrock Motel and Restaurant, with its PURPLE metal roof.

Seeing the mesas in west Texas, just as I was approaching New Mexico, I smiled. I love the mesas, which of course get much bigger, higher and more barren as one drives along.

Route 66 is no longer a viable road, as I 40 took its place, and sometimes runs right on the same roadbed. But all along I 40, you can see part of Route 66 running along side, and beyond it, the railroad track. If I see a train going in the same direction as I am, I like to race it. Always have done so!

Unfortunately, in my various visits to New Mexico and Arizona, on interstates or blue highways, I have yet seen a roadrunner! But I know I will see one sometime in my travels.

Several times as I drove I would pass by tractor trailer trucks with red, white and blue cabs, running in tandem. It was kind of wonderful to see. I have never noticed that before this trip.

Another blog is in the works, with more pictures.

A hui hou,
I love you all,

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