Sunday, October 09, 2011

Wow, is it really October 9th, and I haven't written anything? And I have been writing a lot, but in my mind, as I go from Elkton, Virginia, to Lemitar, New Mexico.

But first I want to share with you a little about Anne and her ranch in Datil. Most of this is in pictures. Anne is a single woman, 80 years old, lives by herself, and is very involved in the local library, ensconced in an old U.S. Forest Ranger cabin. She is also a Volunteer Fireman and Search and Rescue Team member, although right now she is on leave, healing a shoulder. She no longer climbs ladders and such, but she does drive the search and rescue vehicles. She is a writer, reader, and traveler to all parts of the world, recently having returned from Samoa.

She first bought a house in Lemitar which is where I am (more about that later.) Then when her parents died, she shipped out their furniture, and found that she couldn't accommodate all the things she loved in this little house, so she bought a forty acre ranch in Datil. She was a close friend of my sister Judy's and I have been lucky to have her as a friend also.

Here are some pictures of her ranch house and out buildings:

Anne's home -

One of three cabins near the house -

Animal bones Anne has found and mounted on her house -

Along Anne's road with the stable in view -

Along Anne's road -

Coming in from U.S. Highway 60 -

Coming next, the wild flowers and other flora, all taken on Anne's land...

I love you all.
A Hui Hou,

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